Art Classes

Color Pencil Drawing

and Illustration


Supply List:

1) 48ct or 72ct Prismacolor softcore pencils

1) 9" x 12" 300 series Strathmore Smooth Bristol Pad

1) Colorless blending pen

1) Pencil sharpener (electric or manual), a couple will be available.


Helpful extras:

1) Smooth surface to draw on, drawing board

1) 1-inch or 2-inch clean soft paint brush (to use as a drafting brush)


Please have your supplies purchased and bring them to the first class.


All supplies are available at any fine art store such as Blick Art Materials.

©2024 Perkowitz Art Studio

116 S. IL Route 83  •  Grayslake, IL 60030  •   847-372-0451 •